Keep Walking!
Walk with us as we walk with God in His Word and in His ways! Listen to every episode below. Follow and subscribe for more!
Walk with us as we walk with God in His Word and in His ways! Listen to every episode below. Follow and subscribe for more!
4 days ago
4 days ago
In this episode Deborah Godfrey joins us at the table to educate and encourage us when encountering not only a child with special needs, but anyone facing a SPECIAL NEED. Deb is an Xray technologist and has worked in the medical field for 40 years. She loves the LORD, her family, and her mission field (which most days is a hospital setting). Parenting a child with special needs has molded her into the person she is today, and we pray you are encouraged and inspired to love all people with the Love of Christ.
Encouragement is a powerful gift, especially for those navigating the challenges of special needs. Scripture reminds us that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9), and such a great reminder as we offer comfort and assurance to individuals and families facing daily struggles.
In Isaiah 41:10, God promises, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” These words serve as a reminder that no one walks this journey alone. Every child and adult, regardless of ability, is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), uniquely designed for a purpose.
If you know someone who is looking for encouragement or struggling with knowing how to meet the needs of a child with autism or special needs, Deb is willing to listen and talk with you. You can email her or find her on Social Media. Thanks for joining us today! Keep Walking!
The Unbreakable Boy Trailer #1 (2025)
What I Needed | Chandler Moore | Live In Los Angeles (Official Music Video)
Monday Mar 17, 2025
Monday Mar 17, 2025
The last couple episodes we have had guests share with us about their love and call to serve in the East African country of Tanzania. We didn’t plan that, but GOD did. He lined up these testimonies to fall into place consecutively, and we are honored to share these testimonies with you. God continues to draw people into relationship with himself through willing servants who say "Yes Lord Send Me"!! Missional Living isn’t just about traveling to distant places —but about carrying the heart of Christ wherever we go—whether in our workplaces, communities, or even across the world. A mission-minded life is one that sees every interaction as an opportunity to serve, every challenge as a chance to trust God without borders, and every blessing as a tool to further His kingdom. It means being intentional in how we love others, share the gospel, and meet both spiritual and physical needs.
In this episode, Lisa McKenzie joins us, to share about how God is using her love for teaching, serving, and her love for Jesus, to pour into the lives of children in Tanzania. The Namayana Project was created to bring hope and provide instruction in both Swahili and English to these children. These students receive instruction in math, writing, reading, science, and the environment, as well as a Bible story each week.
Namayana means "Blessing" in Swahili, and we pray you are blessed by Lisa's testimony today. Please join us in praying for Lisa as she steps into a full time teaching/ministry position in Tanzania. We are so excited to see how God uses her YES in this season!! If you want to find out more about this ministry please click on the link below and be a blessing to these precious children in Tanzania. Please join us in praying for Lisa as she steps into a full time teaching position in Tanzania. We are so excited to see how God uses her YES in this season!!
Namayana Project
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) Lyric Video - Hillsong UNITED
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
In this episode Eric & Patti Lethco together share encouragement and give us an update on how God has been at work in and through their lives while on the Mission field in Tanzania.
Through the direction of Eric and Patti Lethco, OFBC has helped brothers and sisters in Tanzania build 3 schools and train up leaders and pastors since 2022. Over these last few years, these missions and discipleship efforts in Tanzania have developed into the Maasai Pastors Project (MPP).
A Journey of Faith
At the Maasai Pastors Project, we have built a reputation for fostering lasting relationships with the communities we serve. Our passion is to provide leadership training and theological education. We do this by supporting local Bible Schools, local Maasai Churches, Pastors, and their families. We invite you to learn more about our journey and the impact you can have in Tanzania.
Prayerfully consider how God would move you to sponsor one of the student leaders and pastors in Tanzania. Your 2-year, $20 a month commitment would cover full tuition, books, lodging, and food for a student to complete their program.
(843) 900-0449
Maasai Pastors Project
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
In this episode Adriana Melendez gives us an update from her recent Mission trip to Tanzania, challenges us to live everyday missionally minded, and even gives us a glimpse into her surprise engagement proposal while on the trip. Her love for Jesus, Discipleship, and the Maasai in Tanzania is contagious. This episode is full of reminders of what it looks like to walk humbly with the Lord while also remembering & celebrating the many blessings we experience as His children. We are amazed by God's faithfulness and we continue to stand in Awe & Wonder of His creation. Walking in humility isn't the natural tendency of our flesh, but this challenge to "go low", may have earthly and eternal rewards yet unknown.
Luke 14:7-11 NIV
7 When he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable: 8 “When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. 9 If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, ‘Give this person your seat.’ Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. 10 But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests. 11 For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
Maasai Pastors Project
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
In this episode Brenda French joins us at the table to remind us of the amazing Love and Faithfulness of God, she has experienced in every season of her own life. Life isn't always good, and this world is full of HARD things. Maybe you are walking through a difficult season today. Brenda encourages us that our personal relationship with the LORD is unique -- and God sees us and knows us right where we are. As we walk with the Lord, and bear witness to His goodness, God faithfully shows up and proves that His truth and His strength can be made perfect in weakness. As we choose to Believe the TRUTH of God's WORD, and as we posture our Heart towards His, He will show us where HE IS in the storm, and will give us strength to face it. We can experience FREEDOM in Christ, even while we Praise Him in the midst of the storm TODAY.
Natalie Grant - Praise You In This Storm (Official Music Video)
CeCe Winans - Goodness of God (Official Video)
What is it that God is calling you to "PRACTICE" in your life this week? Is it Gratitude? Is it Prayer or Praise? Is it letting go of control? Whatever it is...He wants to walk and talk with you through the highs and lows you face today. You are never alone! Keep seeking His face, keep showing up and allow The Lord space to grow your faith muscles. We love you and we are praying for you -- and until next time, keep walking!
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
In this episode, Anita Cheslek and Sabrina Comps join us at the table to encourage us to keep running the race God has called us to run. In this race of life, there are obstacles we face at almost every turn. As we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and ask God to help us to see and use those obstacles to grow our own faith while pointing others toward HIM, we experience unexplainable victories day after day. These victories are rarely obtained without pain or struggle, but they can always produce perseverance and help us to keep pressing on toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14
13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
If you are in the Charleston area and looking for a resource to help with someone struggling with addiction, please be encouraged that help is out there.
Changed Lives Ministry
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
In this episode Karie Calhoun Smith is back at the table to share a "Part 2" update episode on how God continues to guide and direct her steps, as she walks through this season with Him. What an amazing season it has been. Today is extra special because Karie is joined by her husband Randy. Together they share a beautiful message of Hope and God's Redeeming Love.
We praise God for all He is doing through their lives together as husband and wife❤️
Thank you Karie and Randy for giving us a glimpse into your Love story. To God be the glory. We love you both! Congratulations and many blessings over your home and marriage.
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
In this episode we revisit a conversation we had with our sweet friend, Karie Calhoun, well over a year ago. (This episode was originally recorded at the end of 2023 - Episode 10). During this conversation, Karie encouraged us to keep walking and trusting in God, especially when what we are going through feels uncertain and unexpected. We get a glimpse of Karie's love for interior design, as well as her contagious love for Jesus-- BOTH undeniably overflow from every area of her life. The Refiner's Fire isn't something we may choose to run towards during seasons of struggle and pain - but oh how beautiful is the refinement process of those who have trusted God through it. Karie would say that the Joy of the Lord is her strength, and the Lord is the strength of her life!
Karie Calhoun, is the co-owner of DesignRefined, and brings a wealth of experience and talent to each of her jobs. Her ability to listen to her clients and to build a deep trust with them allows her to be successful in planning their interior spaces. Karie has over 21 years of commercial, residential, healthcare and government design experience. Her career took off after she graduated with her Interior Design BA degree from Anderson University.
Karie is the co-owner of the Charleston School of Interior Design, LLC. The Charleston School of Interior Design is an educational program designed to prepare students, interested in the design business, with the essential tools and practices necessary to be successful in this career field.
We hope you are encouraged by Karie's testimony, we pray you are challenged to look for examples of God's protection and provision in your life, as she has done in hers. We know and believe, just like our precious friend, that God's Redeeming Love is available to anyone who will receive it! We want to invite you to check back in next week to hear part two, an exciting UPDATE episode, as she shares how God continues to AMAZE her in this current season! You won't want to miss it! GOD has done GREAT things!
Design Refined
About Us - Design Refined
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Are you amazed by God? In this episode Kelley, Kristy, & Adriana share some personal examples of how God is teaching and challenging them to walk in the awe and wonder of who HE is in this season.
Philippians 3:13-14 NLT - No, dear brothers and sisters, I have - Bible Gateway
Psalm 37:4 NLT - Take delight in the LORD, and he will - Bible Gateway
Philippians 4:6-7 NIV - Do not be anxious about anything, but - Bible Gateway
We pray you are encouraged by these testimonies, and we would love to hear what God has been teaching you in this season. Please feel free to email us at
Susie Larson with Asherita Ciuciu
Delighting in Jesus - Baker Book House
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
In this episode, Pam and Lily Parker join us at the table to share a powerful testimony of God's PEACE & PRESENCE in their lives, in the midst of pain. Pam's story is one of trauma, a near death experience, and a long journey towards healing --but also one of beauty and an undesribeable PEACE that comes by knowing and walking with the LORD. He is truly a good and loving Father. Together, Pam and Lily walk us through the physical, mental, and neurological struggles caused by trauma -- while also encouraging us, laughing until they cry at times, and pointing us towards the promises of God! What a blessing and picture of beautiful "WARRIORS" they both are!
We pray you see God in their story, and are drawn closer to HIM in yours!
Please join us by praying for Pam this Friday as she undergoes another surgery on her foot.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
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We encourage you to read God's Word and connect with God's people as we walk with Jesus together!